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Summer is waning. The kids are back in school, and the weather is getting less obnoxious. But along with these reasons to celebrate a new season, you may also feel some dread: Homework battles, endless extracurricular activities, the holidays, a packed calendar, carpool, work. It’s enough to give anyone a case of the end-of-summer blues. Fear not, friends…there are some easy, practical things you can do to find balance and beauty this fall.[1]

1. Schedule Downtime: What if you started each month or week by scheduling a bit of downtime for yourself and for your loved ones? Put it on the calendar with all the other important commitments, then make it happen. Clear an hour, an afternoon, or a whole day to do something nice for yourself, even if that something is nothing. Tell your people that this time is reserved for connection and relaxation. Say no to any invitations that disrupt this time. Your loved ones will hear an important message, and you might hear it too: Our relationships are precious. Balance is important. It’s okay to take care of ourselves.

2. Trim the Lame: You know those people that drain the life out of you every time you’re with them? Do you notice that every time you get sucked into social media-land, you lose motivation and productivity? Well, my fellow grown-ups, you have the right to get rid of people and patterns that don’t make you happy. Distance yourself from toxic people. Turn off notifications for an hour or an afternoon, and be amazed when the world doesn’t end. That previously lost energy is now yours to enjoy and shape into whatever makes you feel better, not worse.

3. Chores Mash-Up: We all have stuff that must get done, but why not experiment with HOW it gets done. Can you order some groceries online to be delivered? Could you hire the kid down the street to walk your dog, weed your garden or wash your car? Even if you’re on a tight budget, I’ll bet you have people all around you who’d be happy to swap. If you love to cook, make a few freezable meals for a friend in exchange for child care or errand-running. Get creative, and you just might feel liberated.

And one more thing. Floating could help you be successful at all three of these ideas. Give yourself and those you love an hour to float, and watch balance flow back into your life. An hour to disconnect from the noise and stimulation of a hectic world, to just enjoy your own company, with no agenda. Studies show that floating can help people change unhealthy patterns and problem-solve in more creative ways.[2]In this next season of life, we wish you beauty, balance and some time to Just Float.



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